Protect Ukraine’s Freedom

Protect Ukraine’s Freedom

Ukraine Defense Support is a Washington state registered organization (EIN 92-2693929) in the process of applying for US 501c3 status. We have a track record of delivering urgently needed supplies to those who need them most within Ukraine.

Center Makor is currently assisting this cause to aid defenders in Ukraine as our 501c3 fiscal partner. 10% of donations through this link are retained by Center Makor for processing and to support their programs. All of the remaining 90% of donations to UDS go towards critical nonlethal equipment for frontline Ukrainian soldiers. None of our volunteers, from directors on down, keep any of your donations. UDS works closely with Ukrainian and Polish registered nonprofits to purchase supplies and ensure their careful delivery.

Contact us with requests for which equipment your donation should be spent on, requests for pictures, and any other questions see or contact us for more information at or (503) 308-9479.

Дякую! Thank you! SLAVA UKRAINI!

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Center Makor is acting as a fiscal agent to raise funds to protect Ukraine’s freedom.

All your donations are tax-deductable.

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