О котах и кошках

Театр на крыше 50 Kearney Road, Needham, United States

Театр на крыше приглашает вас на спектакль «О котах и кошках» для детей с 4 лет Хотите узнать всю правду о котах и кошках? Как они поют и танцуют, как они ловки и изобретательны, что они умеют делать, чего хотят, что едят? Приходите к нам на спектакль! В первом акте - музыкальная сказка "Кот в […]


Le Grand Voyage (NYC)

Theater for the New City 155 1st Avenue, New York, United States

Le Grand Voyage “A story with no words, a journey with no end” In this experimental theatrical clown fable, a family embarks on an adventure into a foreign land. What awaits them is predictably strange and surprisingly familiar. Through the language of clowning the cast tells the story of hustles and struggles that we go […]

Le Grand Voyage (NYC)

Theater for the New City 155 1st Avenue, New York, United States

Le Grand Voyage “A story with no words, a journey with no end” In this experimental theatrical clown fable, a family embarks on an adventure into a foreign land. What awaits them is predictably strange and surprisingly familiar. Through the language of clowning the cast tells the story of hustles and struggles that we go […]

Le Grand Voyage (NYC)

Theater for the New City 155 1st Avenue, New York, United States

Le Grand Voyage “A story with no words, a journey with no end” In this experimental theatrical clown fable, a family embarks on an adventure into a foreign land. What awaits them is predictably strange and surprisingly familiar. Through the language of clowning the cast tells the story of hustles and struggles that we go […]