Family to Family
As part of the
Family to Family Exchange Program
Center Makor offers you
Bnai Mitzvah for your kid in Israel
Boston, MA USA – Haifa, Israel
Save up to $1000 per person
A unique exchange program has been running since 2007. It gives families an opportunity to know and love Israel from a different point of view…
Only participation in “Family to family” gives your child an opportunity to celebrate their Bar/Bat Mitzvah among his family and friends at the West Wall in Jerusalem.
Даты поездки из Бостона в Израиль – 06.26.22–07.04.22.
Если семья желает, мы организуем Bar and Bat Mitzvah для детей 12-13 лет и старше, в Иерусалиме, у западной стены.
Please read Program Description.
Additional documents:
For more information and details about the number ONE exclusive exchange program for Russian Jewish families in Massachusetts contact (617) 771-4870 or