Russian-Speaking Jewish Cultural Festival
Come to our Russian-Speaking Jewish Cultural Festival!!!
Our unique Cultural Festival will be held this year on Sept. 22 from noon to six p.m. at Center Makor, 384 Harvard St., Brookline, MA. The Festival features over 70 different community organizations, agencies and businesses from the Russian-speaking Jewish community and will also offer the work of dozens of our talented artists and artisans. You can participate in a wonderful kosher food-tasting and buffet while sampling a delightful variety of kosher Russian and Ukrainian vodkas, beers, mineral waters and other specialty drinks. And every 30 minutes, you will enjoy a different performance by both professional and amateur musicians, singers, dancers and theater groups. This is an event you won’t want to miss!
The Russian-Speaking Jewish Cultural Festival is designed to introduce and promote our thriving, Russian-speaking Jewish community to our own community as well as the larger English-speaking community, along with those from other cultures and languages, who are also our friends and our neighbors. We also hope to help support a variety of community initiatives, programs and projects. And one of our major goals is to create opportunities for contact and dialogue between our Russian-speaking community and other parts of the Jewish community here in Massachusetts.
The program will be conducted in English.
12:30 pm – Boris Fogel, piano
1:00 pm – Alexandra Stern, Klezmer
1:30 pm – Students from Shaloh House, musical
2:00 pm – Afanasy Prokhorov, Singer
2:30 pm – Russian Karaoke. Songs
245 pm – Alpha Security, Sambo, Martial Arts, Self Defense
3:00 pm – Our Guests Amanda Accica and Daniel Moreno, Tango Dance
3:30 pm – Israeli Dance
3:45 pm – Choir Mazel Tov
4:00 pm – Simon Shapiro, accordion/ Klezmer
4:30 pm – Marina Vinogradova-Katz, Singer
5:00 pm – Guest TheSinger Janey, Gospels, Jazz
5:30 pm – Ellina Blinder and Irina Kotlyar Vulikh, piano. Will be performing three dances from Astor Piazzolla’s piano four hand rendition of Histore Du Tango
Presenters (Auditorium M-8A)
1:45 pm – Marina Aptekman, Professor. TUFTS University – Does melting pot has a future in the 21st century? Cultural conflict in new Russian-Jewish immigrant voices across the globe: the case of USA and Israel.
2:45 pm – Liliya Varon, Art Expert – “To live with Painting”
I want to share it with you, together to unfold the infinite details are hidden in the paint until it starts speaking to you directly with no interpreters in between.
3:45 pm – Serge Linkov, Film Director – Documentary in Russian; “Семен, сын Эзры и Рахиль”, документальный фильм 25 мин.
Вам 9 лет. В 1941 году со всей семьей, с отцом, матерью, братьями оказываетесь за колючей проволокой в гетто. Вы прожили за ней 2 года.
Каждый день мог быть последним для всех вас.
Что вы там видели…пережили…?!
Об этом рассказывает фильм.
4:45 pm – Yelena Neplok, Nigun Chamber Ensemble. Artistic Director – The Art of Jewish Music/ Presentation of the new CD.
Learn unknown facts about world-famous Klezmer musical pieces.
Your sponsorship will support these efforts! The Cultural Festival offers a wonderful opportunity for your business to be visible to hundreds of people and do Mitzvah at the same time! It is all possible at the Russian-Speaking Jewish Cultural Festival.
Your company could be one of the first among our sponsors. Based on previous gatherings, we can safely estimate that the Russian-Jewish Cultural Festival will draw over 600 people to this year’s event. The Festival is sponsored by Combined Jewish Philanthropies, Center Makor, and Congregation Kehillath Israel, along with many other Jewish agencies and Russian-speaking Jewish organizations and community groups.
We appreciate Congregation Kehillath Israel‘s generous support and providing the venue for the event!
Our sponsors for this event: Baza Supermarket, Matvil Corp. (eTVnet), Well Given AFC and Aviva Care, Jewish Diaspora Cultural Foundation, Teatr “Krug”, Arlekin Players Theatre, Volunteers For Israel®, Feinberg & Alban, 2Life Communities, Petropol book store.

Events participants will include Newton Driving School, Alexander&Grant Honey, Volunteers for Israel, Clay with Style jewelry and household accessories,, Mishpuha Club, Free Jewelry Designer, From Russian with Art gallery, Neurographics with Marina Bialik, Svetlana Sundberg, Bnei Baruch USA, Russian Boston Gazette, Jewelinga, Honey River Imports, artist and art therapist Polina Dorosinskaya, MonDance – Boston Area Israeli Folk Dance, artists Vladimir Volosov , Anna Daneliia, and Eduard Klebanov, Jewish Musical Theater Firelech, 1st Alpha Security, Jewish Art Initiative, Boston Literature Club, Chaverim, Jookender Community Initiatives, Inc., Boston Russian Pages, TeleLance, Nigun Chamber Ensemble, Shaloh House, Russian Jewish Community Foundation, Leon Spivak, Studio of Engaging Math.

More information about the event is coming soon. Please continue checking this page for more updates.
If you wish to be a friend and sponsor to our community and this Cultural Festival, you can find more information as well as registration form here.
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