Ukrainian and Jewish Traditional Dance Classes for Kids
Ukrainian Cultural Center of New England in partnership with Volodymyr Foygelman and Center Makor present
Every Saturday at 4:30 PM at Center Makor (Newton) for kids ages 6-10. Cost – $20 for the first child, $15 for the second child, $10 for the third child *.
* – 3.5% is added to cover credit card processing fee.
Location: Center Makor (Newton): 50 Winchester St, Newton, MA 02461.
Dear parents,
We are announcing an enrollment of boys and girls 6–10 years for the next school year in our dance group.
Classes will begin in September.
Register your child below.
Шановні батьки,
Ми оголошуємо набір хлопчиків і дівчаток 6 – 10 років на наступний навчальний рік у нашу танцювальну групу.
Заняття розпочнуться у вересні.
Зареєструвати свою дитину можна тут.
The kids will be taught Ukrainian and Jewish folk dance and choreography basics.
The goal is to lean and perform Ukrainian and Jewish folk dances in a friendly atmosphere with a highly professional trained teacher and choreographer Vladimir Foygelman.
Volodymyr Foygelman was born in Kyiv, Ukraine. He graduated from Kyiv State Institute of Culture (now Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts) in 1989 with a Master’s Degree in choreography and administration for community and sports centers. He will be the teacher and the choreographer of Ukrainian Dances.
Let’s revive the beauty of Ukrainian traditions in the Greater Boston area
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